In the fall of 2013, I organized the program series This is not a script, a co-production with Art Cinema OFFoff,
Poëziecentrum and LUCA School of Arts. This is not a script focused on works that, on the one hand,
sprouted from other ways of filming and writing, and, on the other hand, invited for other ways of looking and
reading. The program series consisted of a symposium and three film evenings, during which also poets were
interviewed about their experiments with images. On 8 November the series had a parallel program in Perdu
in Amsterdam.
Poëziecentrum and LUCA School of Arts. This is not a script focused on works that, on the one hand,
sprouted from other ways of filming and writing, and, on the other hand, invited for other ways of looking and
reading. The program series consisted of a symposium and three film evenings, during which also poets were
interviewed about their experiments with images. On 8 November the series had a parallel program in Perdu
in Amsterdam.
Concept, redaction, co-ordination and hosting by Jan Peeters
Program by Jan Peeters, Sieglinde Vanhaezebrouck, Sofie Verdoodt
In co-operation with / with the support from: Poëziecentrum, Art Cinema OFFoff, LUCA School of Arts,
Sphinx Cinema, S.MA.K., Stad Gent, Vlaamse Overheid, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, Lira Fonds.
Program by Jan Peeters, Sieglinde Vanhaezebrouck, Sofie Verdoodt
In co-operation with / with the support from: Poëziecentrum, Art Cinema OFFoff, LUCA School of Arts,
Sphinx Cinema, S.MA.K., Stad Gent, Vlaamse Overheid, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, Lira Fonds.

Symposium 'This is not a script' @ Poëziecentrum, Ghent

Jan Peeters, Symposium 'This is not a script' @ Poëziecentrum, Ghent

Kim Gorus, Symposium 'This is not a script' @ Poëziecentrum, Ghent

Yves T'Sjoen, Symposium 'This is not a script' @ Poëziecentrum, Ghent

Arne De Winde & Iannis Goerlandt, Symposium 'This is not a script' @ Poëziecentrum, Ghent

Jan Baeke, Symposium 'This is not a script' @ Poëziecentrum, Ghent

Tom Van Imschoot interviewing poet Paul Bogaert @ Art Cinema OFFoff

Tom Van Imschoot interviewing poet Paul Bogaert @ Art Cinema OFFoff

Outtake from the program brochure of 'This is not a script'. Graphic design by Joris Verdoodt.

Outtake from the program brochure of 'This is not a script'. Graphic design by Joris Verdoodt.

Outtake from the program brochure of 'This is not a script'. Graphic design by Joris Verdoodt.

Outtake from the program brochure of 'This is not a script'. Graphic design by Joris Verdoodt.

Outtake from the program brochure of 'This is not a script'. Graphic design by Joris Verdoodt.

Outtake from the program brochure of 'This is not a script'. Graphic design by Joris Verdoodt.
Overview of the program series This is not a script
Symposium in the Poëziecentrum
Jan Peeters - Over 'This is not a script'
Kim Gorus - Un Musée de bêtes éternelles
Yves T'Sjoen - Intermediale referenties aan een schildersmanifest in postexperimentele poëzie
Arne De Winde & Iannis Goerlandt - Walt Disneys schriftmagie
Jan Baeke - Filmgedicht of poëzie-film: afscheid van een genre (dat geen genre was)
Film evening 1 in Cinema Sphinx
Kim Gorus - Un Musée de bêtes éternelles
Yves T'Sjoen - Intermediale referenties aan een schildersmanifest in postexperimentele poëzie
Arne De Winde & Iannis Goerlandt - Walt Disneys schriftmagie
Jan Baeke - Filmgedicht of poëzie-film: afscheid van een genre (dat geen genre was)
Film evening 1 in Cinema Sphinx
Marcel Duchamp & Man Ray, Anémic cinéma, FR, 1925-1926, 8'25", B&W, silent, 16mm, French intertitles
Man Ray on a text by Robert Desnos, L'Étoile de mer, FR, 1928, 21', B&W, silent, 16mm, French intertitles
Johan van der Keuken, Het leesplankje, NL, 1973, 10', colour, sound, 16mm
Tom Konyves, Sign Language, CA, 1984, 3'53", colour, video, sound
Tonnus Oosterhoff, de mens de horizon het dier..., NL, 1', B&W, silent, digital Flash file
Tonnus Oosterhoff, Sintel, NL, 2'14", B&W, silent, digital Flash file
Els Moors, Janna Meeus & Hilde Meeus, Onkruid: een documentair gedicht voor het scherm in 4 delen, NL/BE, 2010, 8'40", B&W, sound, digital video
Sandy Claes & Daan Wampers on a poem by Miguel Declercq (from DichtVorm Vlaanderen), Blauwblauw, BE, 2007, 2'06", colour, dolby surround, 35mm
Susanne Wiegner on a poem by Robert Lax, Just Midnight, DE, 2010, 3'37", colour, sound, digital video
Timothy David Orme, Epithalamium, US, 2012, 4', colour, silent, digital video
Jan Baeke & Alfred Marseille, The Trouble with Calculation, NL, 2013, 10', colour, sound, digital video, Dutch titles and English spoken words
Interview with Els Moors and Jan Baeke by Tom Van Imschoot
Film evening 2 in Art Cinema OFFoff
Man Ray on a text by Robert Desnos, L'Étoile de mer, FR, 1928, 21', B&W, silent, 16mm, French intertitles
Johan van der Keuken, Het leesplankje, NL, 1973, 10', colour, sound, 16mm
Tom Konyves, Sign Language, CA, 1984, 3'53", colour, video, sound
Tonnus Oosterhoff, de mens de horizon het dier..., NL, 1', B&W, silent, digital Flash file
Tonnus Oosterhoff, Sintel, NL, 2'14", B&W, silent, digital Flash file
Els Moors, Janna Meeus & Hilde Meeus, Onkruid: een documentair gedicht voor het scherm in 4 delen, NL/BE, 2010, 8'40", B&W, sound, digital video
Sandy Claes & Daan Wampers on a poem by Miguel Declercq (from DichtVorm Vlaanderen), Blauwblauw, BE, 2007, 2'06", colour, dolby surround, 35mm
Susanne Wiegner on a poem by Robert Lax, Just Midnight, DE, 2010, 3'37", colour, sound, digital video
Timothy David Orme, Epithalamium, US, 2012, 4', colour, silent, digital video
Jan Baeke & Alfred Marseille, The Trouble with Calculation, NL, 2013, 10', colour, sound, digital video, Dutch titles and English spoken words
Interview with Els Moors and Jan Baeke by Tom Van Imschoot
Film evening 2 in Art Cinema OFFoff
Charles Dekeukeleire, Histoire de détective, BE, 1929, 49', B&W, silent, 16mm, French intertitles, accompanied by a registration of a composition by Geert Callaert, performed by the Hermes-ensemble
Paul Bogaert, Ik heb mijn man zo lief, BE, 2006, 1'26", colour, silent, digitale video
Paul Bogaert, Je liegt en je filtert, BE, 2006-2010, 2'53", B&W, sound, digitale video
Paul Bogaert, RECONSTRUCTIE, BE, 2012, 4'45", colour, sound, digitale video
Karsten Krause on a text by e.e. cummings, You and me, DE, 2009, 4', colour, stereo, digital video (digitized 8mm and super 8)
Interview with Paul Bogaert by Tom Van Imschoot
Film evening 3 in Art Cinema OFFoff
Paul Bogaert, Ik heb mijn man zo lief, BE, 2006, 1'26", colour, silent, digitale video
Paul Bogaert, Je liegt en je filtert, BE, 2006-2010, 2'53", B&W, sound, digitale video
Paul Bogaert, RECONSTRUCTIE, BE, 2012, 4'45", colour, sound, digitale video
Karsten Krause on a text by e.e. cummings, You and me, DE, 2009, 4', colour, stereo, digital video (digitized 8mm and super 8)
Interview with Paul Bogaert by Tom Van Imschoot
Film evening 3 in Art Cinema OFFoff
Marcel Broodthaers, Un Voyage en Mer du Nord, BE, 1973, 4'15", colour, silent, 16mm
W. Mark Sutherland, Poem in Memory of Jack Donovan Foley, CA, 2008, 2'34", colour, sound, digitale video
Paul Sharits, Word Movie / Flux Film 29, US, 1966, 4', colour, sound, 16mm
Hollis Frampton, Gloria !, US, 1979, 10', colour, sound, 16mm
Michael Snow, So Is This, CA, 1982, 45', B&W, silent, 16mm
W. Mark Sutherland, Poem in Memory of Jack Donovan Foley, CA, 2008, 2'34", colour, sound, digitale video
Paul Sharits, Word Movie / Flux Film 29, US, 1966, 4', colour, sound, 16mm
Hollis Frampton, Gloria !, US, 1979, 10', colour, sound, 16mm
Michael Snow, So Is This, CA, 1982, 45', B&W, silent, 16mm